Pogo Fun, Fails and Bails


Welcome to our page about pogo humor – here you’ll find the funniest pogo jumping videos, fails, bails and also compilations. Enjoy 🙂

And if you know about a cool video not mentioned here, let us know!

Pogo fun

3. The story of flying pogo stick

Crazy Pogo Stick Launch | Clip of the Week #33

2. Dalton vs fence

Pogo Stick "Throws"

1. Their shoes came of!


Fails and bails

Less funny, but a lot more painful instead 🙂

5. Backflip gone wrong

Pogo Backflip FAIL – Clip Of The Week #19

Backflip Bail | Clip of the Week #46

4. And what about multiple backflips?

Michael Mena attacking a record:

XPOGO Edition | Dude Perfect

Ryan O’Malley attacking a basket:

Basketball Backflip Crash – Ryan O'Malley | Clip Of The Week

Fred Grzybowski attacking asphalt:

FRED: 9 Pogo Stick Backflips FAIL!

3. Face plant

Dalton Smith and his double backflip dismount attempt – ouch 🙁

Pogo Stick Double Backflip FAIL

Pogo Stick Double Backflip Crash

2. My butt!

Michael Mena’s original ending of his wall bounce earned him second place:

Wall Bounce to Frontflip fail – Clip of the Week #24

1. Kid’s getting hurt

Who else can secure the first place than young Ryan O’Malley with his famous backflip fail and other stunts? Here we go:

Pogo Stick Backflip Fail (Original!)

Pogo Stick down stairs fail!

And you can find more of his bails here.


Epic Pogo Stick Fail Compilation 2013

Pogopalooza 8: Bails




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