Extreme pogo or simply doing tricks on a pogo stick is getting more and more popular these days – and to start you don’t need any special skills, only a decent pogo stick and you can begin with the easier stunts right away.
Here you’ll find more than 70 tricks, all with videos, pictures and tips, organized by their difficulty. Enjoy!
Popular tricks:
Also remember the most important rules:
- wear a helmet
- whenever you are not comfortable in the air, just let the stick go and concentrate on landing safely
Pogo tricks for beginners
After you learn how to jump on a pogo stick, you would probably want to start with tricks as soon as possible – I have picked the easiest ones for you so you can start right away!
Most of them are also parts of the more advanced stunts so don’t haste, practice until you get really comfortable when executing them and you’ll have a solid foundation for the future learning.
Jumping stairs
Difficulty: Type: Urban, Movement
Let’s start with something really easy. At first, just bounce a few times before doing leap across the step and as you get accustomed to it, proceed to one jump per one step.
You can try it up and down the stairs, facing them directly or sideways, one step at a time or multiple at once and even without hands (see the second video). Just be careful during descents, no big jumps until you have it perfectly under control 🙂 But after you get enough skill, you can try even large gaps.

Obstacle course
Difficulty: Type: Movement
One of the basic possibilities how to train your pogo jumping skills is to build an obstacle course.
You can use whatever you want – for example small objects to hop over, tight space where the maneuvering isn’t easy and so on.

No footer
Difficulty: Type: Jump
This is a basic but very important trick that you’re going to use (in some form) in almost every aerial action. Spread your legs only a little at first (1 inch for example, just to break the contact with the stick) and then start spreading them more and more as you get comfortable.
And after you master it, try different moves with your legs, kick them behind you or to one side – watch the videos for inspiration:

No hander
Difficulty: Type: Jump
Similar to the previous one, just with your hands – squeeze the stick with your knees and start slow again, taking hands off the stick only for a quick moment and then moving them further away as you get more comfortable.

Jumping without hands
Difficulty: Type: Movement
Now that you know how to take your hands off the stick, you can also learn how to jump completely without them. Again, hold the pogo stick with your knees, practice with only one hand first and then remove both of them – all the movement now relies on your knees.
And after you get this down, you can start doing various other things with your hands – jumping down the stairs (see the first video), throwing a ball with your friend (second video), shooting a basketball (third video) or even play a musical instrument 🙂

Reverse jumping
Difficulty: Type: Movement
And one more variation to the basic pogo jumping – with the stick behind your back. You can also try it with just one hand or one leg.
Plus there are also many interesting and cool ways how to get into the reverse position – for example using the Leap frog or Tuck reverse.

Difficulty: Type: Jump
Very important stunt because it forms the basis of the Peg grab or Cannonball – also it isn’t difficult and looks cool.
Basically it’s something like doing a squat during jump – you push the handlebars in front of you, bend your knees and pull your feet under your butt. And like with the previous tricks, start slowly with only a little movement of your arms and legs and then start increasing it. You can also try no-handed tucks (see the third video below), moving your arms like during the No hander.

Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Another basic trick that you’re going to use really often – and it has also many variations. Start with learning the Tuck and then start reaching down with your hand, touching your knee, then calf and finally the foot peg. Plus an upgraded version is to grab the peg twice – behind and in front of your foot (see the fourth video).
It’s a good looking stunt which you can also use to spice up your jumps over objects and stairs or include it in your combos – see the videos for inspiration.

One foot Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
After you get down the regular Peg grab, try it with only one foot on the footrest, the other in the air.
The next one is Judo Peg grab!

180 Switch
Difficulty: Type: Barspin
This is an easier version of the popular barspins – instead of rotating the stick without touching it, you keep your hands on the handlebars and cross them, rotating the stick. So the only difficult moment is jumping up and landing on the reversed foot pegs.
And after you have no problem with that, continue to the regular Barspin 180.

180 Barspin
Difficulty: Type: Barspin
Barspins are popular tricks that aren’t extra difficult – you jump up and rotate the stick 180, 360 or even more degrees. The first one is 180 which is quite easy – but if you have any trouble, try the 180 Switch version first.
And then proceed to the 360.

Over jumprope
Difficulty: Type: Other
Here is a funny trick – and a great one for kids! Just grab a jumprope, start jumping without hands and then over the jumprope; you can also try all the popular variations – see the videos below.
Or if you have your friends nearby, let them swing a rope a jump over that 🙂

Heel clicker
Difficulty: Type: Jump
For this stunt, make sure you practice the No footer a lot – then start pushing the pogo stick down with your hands and raising your legs up. And finally you clap them together in front of the stick.
You can even click them multiple times like in the third video.

Advanced pogo tricks
After the basic stunts become a second nature to you, you would probably like to advance into more difficult stuff – so here are the advanced tricks. A bit more difficult to learn but visually very attractive – they form the core of every xpogo rider’s arsenal.
360 Barspin
Difficulty: Type: Barspin
After 180 comes the 360 so now you rotate one full circle.
The next one is 720.

720 Barspin
Difficulty: Type: Barspin
The 360 was still okay but not it’s starting to get difficult, 720 requires two full circles of rotation.
And if you get this down, the 1080 is waiting for you!

Peg tap
Difficulty: Type: Stick manipulation
One of the few pogo tricks that require only a small jump 🙂 At the same time you take one hand off the handlebars and one leg of the pegs, rotate the stick 90 degrees and lean it against the ground.
It’s not extra difficult, but you can also try several variations, for example taking both your hands off or combining it with a barspin – see the videos below:

Difficulty: Type: Jump
Airwalk provides a nice visual improvement that you can add to your jumps – while in the air, move the pogo stick to one side and do one or several quick kicks into the air (one leg kicks forward, the other backwards).
You can also mix it with Peg grab to create the Airwalk peg grab.

No foot Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
This Peg grab variation a bit more difficult but definitely doable. First, make sure you master the No footer as it forms the main part of this stunt.
So jump up, spread your legs and move the stick upwards – then touch the peg with one hand, move the stick back down and land.
Then you can also try the Malcolm X variation.

No hand Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Aesthetically very nice variation of the Peg grab – after the bounce you start pushing your feet to one side and grab the stick with your knees. At the same moment you leave the handlebars with both hands and raise one hand into the air and touch the peg with the second one.
Again, start with just touching your knee with one hand and raising the other only a few inches – and increase the distances as you become more comfortable. Then go for the No hand one foot!

No hand One foot Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
A combination of One foot and No hand peg grabs.

Judo Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Similar to the One foot but this time you grab the foot peg behind your leg (instead of in front of it) and push the leg forward.

Airwalk Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Another interesting Peg grab combination – this time with an Airwalk.

Can can Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Can can – named after the popular dance (see the second video) – is similar to Judo, just a little more difficult because the leg that goes forward should be on the opposite side of the stick (check the picture and video to get the idea).
The other leg bends in the knee – make sure you have a good grip so you don’t slip.

Buddha grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Start like you are going for the Judo grab but then bend the forward leg and wrap it around the pogo stick – and suddenly you are in the Buddha position.
And after you get this down, try a combo with the One foot!

Nose grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Another interesting type of grab is the Nose grab – basically you bend over the handlebars and reach for the pegs.
The key is to tilt the pogo stick backwards (see the video or picture) so you don’t fall over to the front.

Cannonball grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Cannonball is basically a Peg grab on both sides of the footrest simultaneously. As with other stunts, it is best to proceed slowly, one step at a time.
You probably know how to Tuck already – now practice the no-handed version. Then start reaching down with you hands, touch your knees, calves and finally the pegs.

No foot Cannonball grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
While the basic Cannonball might seem a bit boring to some of you, it forms a basis of this much better looking stunt.
You bounce, spread your legs into a classical No footer, leave the handlebars and smack the foot pegs with your hands. Then reach for the handles again.

Switch cheese
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Slightly similar to the One foot Peg grab but now you are grabbing the peg that you have your leg on it (not the empty one) and also rotating the stick towards a horizontal position.

Malcolm X
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Another grab with an interesting name – this time similar to the No foot but you also wrap the stick around your hand before touching the footrest.

Batman Grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Now let’s add a slightly different grab to your repertoire – this time you’re going to be grabbing the stick, not the footrest.
So start with a No footer, remove one hand from the handlebars and using the other hand, start pulling the stick into a horizontal position. Finally, place the first hand on the cylinder.

Difficulty: Type: Jump
A combination of No footer and No hander – you leave just one hand on the handlebars, everything else is in the air. Again, begin with only small distances from the stick and then start increasing them until you reach the final state (like in the video).
And after that remove also the remaining hand – and you’ll get Nothing 🙂

Difficulty: Type: Jump
An upgraded version of the B-spence when all your hands and feet are off the stick – so a true combination of No footer and No hander.
Focus on getting your limbs as far from the handlebars and footrest as possible but as with other tricks, start with very short distance and increase it after you get more comfortable.

Leap frog
Difficulty: Type: Jump
Leap frog consists of jumping over the stick with your legs spread and landing back on the foot pegs – so make sure you learn how to bounce with the stick behind your back first. Start with a No footer over the stick, landing on the ground on the other side and then add the second part – landing on the stick.
Plus you can add a rewind leap frog after that – see the videos below:

Frontflip dismount
Difficulty: Type: Flip
One of the easier flips, you just have to get over the pogo stick which stands in the way so to speak. To make the learning easier you can use some protective mats or jump into snow 🙂
You can also rotate your body during the flight and create a 180 or 360 degree version (see the video below). Plus there is the Reverse frontflip dismount or Backflip dismount as well.

Reverse frontflip dismount
Almost the same as classical Frontflip dismount, you just start with the stick behind your back.
And while you can definitely start the trick in that position, it’s much more interesting to get there first using a Leap frog or Tuck reverse for example (see the videos below).

Backflip dismount
Difficulty: Type: Flip
More psychically challenging than the Frontflip – so practicing it into water without the stick would be a good way to start. Or if you have access to a high jump mat or anything similar, that would also work great.
And again, you can do even the 180 or 360 degree variations for greater effect – see the last video below.

Under the leg barspin
Difficulty: Type: Barspin, Jump
ULBS is a very popular and not that difficult stunt – just make sure you master all the basic tricks like No footer, No hander and Barspins before you start. The best way to learn it is one step at a time as you can see in the first video below.
Start with combining barspins with big No footers, continue with learning dismounting under the leg, spotting the foot pegs and finally landing on them.
And you can also experiment with the 360-degree version where you rotate the stick a bit more – or the busdriver version (see the videos below):

Difficulty: Type: Urban
A great stunt for all urban locations – you can jump over stairs, from walls etc.
And as you become an xpogo master, you can also mix it with many other tricks – for example a Frontflip, Stickflip or Wall plant – see the videos below.

Wall plant
Difficulty: Type: Urban
Another really cool looking trick for urban areas – and the name is pretty self-explaining: after the bounce you place your feet on a wall, tree or similar object and then land back on the stick.
Most of the videos below show high and impressive Wall plants – but don’t worry, start with smaller and easier ones first.

Tuck Reverse
Difficulty: Type: Jump
Similar to the Leap frog, just this time you don’t spread your legs but jump right over the handlebars instead.
Like with other tricks, the best way to learn it is one step at a time – start with Tucks, then try to do them with you feet leaving the foot pegs. The next step is to dismount over the handlebars using a tuck – and finally, landing on the footrest on the other side.
And after you get that down, try also the rewind – see the second video below:

Difficulty: Type: Stick manipulation
Another very popular move – basically you wrap the pogo stick around your leg. Start in bus driver position (see the videos), rotate the stick behind you and pass it between your legs like during a rewind Leap frog.
You can also try it without using the bus driver method – see the last two videos:

Wrap around
Difficulty: Type: Stick manipulation
Similar to the V-Wrap but this time you’ll be doing a full circle around both your legs. Very nice trick and great for various combos.

Slam dunk
Difficulty: Type: Other
Funny and really cool stunt, you just need a friend and a basketball net. Let your friend throw you the ball and at the same time jump, let go the pogo stick, then catch the ball in the air and go for a dunk!
The easier (but less impressive) version is to jump without hands and hold the ball from the start (see the second video).

Playing a musical instrument
Difficulty: Type: Other
Another funny and uncommon stunt – if you play any musical instrument, try to do that while jumping without hands.
Wind instruments are probably the most suitable for this task – for example Wally Pikal is known for playing two trumpets simultaneously while jumping on a pogo stick! (photo here)

Difficulty: Type: Other
Another cool activity you can try while jumping on a pogo stick – you can use balls or juggling sticks, what have you.
Of course, if you have never tried juggling, you have to learn it first – so watch the third video which explains the learning process nicely.

Totem pole
Difficulty: Type: Other
If you love funny and original pogo tricks this is definitely one of them. You’ll also need a friend for it – move towards him, jump on his shoulders while moving the stick to the side (be careful as you can easily hit his head – so he should wear a helmet as well) and then land again.
And you can even add a Frontflip dismount for even greater effect.

Expert pogo tricks
And finally, the most impressive stunts – aerial action and very difficult moves with your stick. Also, it’s recommended to use mattresses or similar pads for safe landing when learning some of these.
1080 Barspin
Difficulty: Type: Barspin
And after 720 comes 1080, the most difficult barspin so far – three full circles!

Difficulty: Type: Flip
After you master the flip dismounts, it’s time to execute a real full flip – on the stick! And instead of a detailed description, I would recommend you the tutorial by Biff Hutchinson (in the videos below).
It can be also used in many interesting ways and in combination with many other tricks – take a look at the videos below for inspiration!

Reverse frontflip
And like dismount, the Full frontflip also has its reverse version. So start with a Leap frog or Tuck reverse again and then proceed to the flip.

Difficulty: Type: Flip
Again, slightly more difficult and scary than the Frontflip but definitely doable. Just practice on foam pit, mats, snow…anything that helps you overcome your fears and get used to the movement.

Difficulty: Type: Flip
A beautiful move, a bit similar to the Frontflip dismount 180, you just keep holding the stick and land back on the foot pegs.

Double Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Grab
Here we return to the Peg grab again, only we’re going to do two of them during one jump! After the first one hold the stick with your knees and start rotating it – and at the same time, leave the handlebars and reach for the second foot peg.
It’s not easy so first you may want to try it with holding the handlebars before the second grab – see the second video:

Buddha into One foot Peg grab
After you master the two Peg grab variations Buddha and One foot, you can join them together and create a nice and smooth combo.

ULBS into No foot Peg grab
Difficulty: Type: Combo, Barspin, Jump, Grab
The ULBS can be also combined with No foot Peg grab to create this nice combo.

Scissor kick
Difficulty: Type: Jump
This beautiful stunt is basically a scissor jump but with the stick going under each of your legs. Being really comfortable on the pogo stick in the air is necessary as you have to act really quickly.
And you can even add a Heel clicker to the mix – see the third video.

Flash flop
Difficulty: Type: Barspin, Jump
An impressive combination of Barspin 360 and Airwalk – after the bounce you move the stick to the side, spin it and at the same time do the Airwalk. And after that you spin it back and land.

Floppy ball
Difficulty: Type: Barspin, Grab
A combination of Barspin 360 and No foot cannonball – after the bounce you spin the stick and go for the grab, then spin it back the other way and land.

Difficulty: Type: Grab
Another impressive move – kick your legs behind, leave one hand on the handlebars and grab the cylinder with the other hand.
The perfect execution entails being in horizontal position and as stretched as possible – but as with other tricks, don’t rush it. Start with smaller distance from the stick (see the last video below) and increase it step by step.

Difficulty: Type: Urban
Famous trick from skateboarding or snowboarding – sliding over a rail, wall or similar object using the foot pegs. Start with very low walls and proceed to higher rails after you get comfortable – it takes a lot of practice as you have to get the traction really under your control, also make sure you master the … first.
There are also many variations, you can try it both on a slope and on flat objects or add some other move to the mix – see the videos below for inspiration. And be aware you can damage the surface of the object so avoid places where it could be a problem.

Difficulty: Type: Stick manipulation
Now we are entering the xpogo masterclass – Stickflip is difficult but also very impressive stunt. You jump as high as you can, kick the cylinder and rotate the stick around.
After you master it, you can even do several in a row or add some another bonus, for example a gap – see the videos below:

Difficulty: Type: Flip
More difficult version of the Full backflip – instead of moving back, you aim to land in front of the place you started at.
And like all flips, it offers many interesting variations and combo possibilities – check out the videos:

Wall flip
Another interesting variation of a full flip – this time off a slant wall. You can also begin with a dismount and then continue to the full version.

No handed flip
Difficulty: Type: Flip
If you’d like to make your flips a bit more spicy, try letting go the handlebars and spread your arms to the sides, touch your head etc.
And as with the basic No hander, start with leaving the handlebars only for a fraction of a second and then increase the distance until you are able to fully spread your arms.

Flip of faith
Difficulty: Type: Flip
For this one you’ll need a friend – and put faith in his abilities 🙂 After you bounce, you leave the pogo stick and go for a flip – in the meantime, your partner takes the stick and prepare it for your landing!
You can also try both variations – with only one stick or with two of them (see the videos).

Extreme pogo tricks
This section is rather a subcategory of the expert tricks – the most crazy and difficult ones. Now you are entering the pinnacle of xpogo!
Difficulty: Type: Stick manipulation
Beautiful but also one of the most difficult pogo tricks – whipping up the stick, moving it over your head and twisting your hips at the same time to spin yourself 180 degrees to be able to land again.
And to make it even more difficult, try it in a combo with Gainer! (see the last video below)

Difficulty: Type: Stick manipulation
Very similar to the Mandy, you just start from a reverse position with both your arms to one side – take a look at the video for better understanding:

Vodka flip
Difficulty: Type: Flip
Very cool but also difficult variation of a classical Full frontflip – you start as if you’re going for the dismount but keep holding the handlebars. And while in the air, you begin to drag the stick over your head so that you can land on it again!

Double backflip dismount
Difficulty: Type: Flip
Backflip dismount is not that difficult – but can you do it with two flips instead of just one? 🙂

Reverse double frontflip dismount
The same as Reverse FF dismount – but twice as difficult 🙂

Double frontflip
Difficulty: Type: Flip
And the pinnacle of extreme pogo, not yet landed – only in the foam pit 🙂 Will you be the first one?

Thank You List
The encyclopedia would not exist without dozens of great videos filmed by passionate pogo jumpers – I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to all of them!
- Xpogo and its athletes:
- Biff Hutchinson -or on Instagram
- Fred Grzybowski -or on Facebook or Instagram
- Michael Mena
- Tone Staubs -or on Instagram
- Henry Cabelus
- Ryan O’Malley
- and others
- TK8 – Take it high
- Haley Greer
- Ian Britt from Vurtego
- Edrei Moncada
- Baton Sauteur
- Matthew “Phineas” Lish